January 07, 2009

Welcome Wild Ones.

Since I was born into this world, it has come to my attention that life is too short to waste it on boring days with boring jobs and a boring life. So I've decided that in order to spice up my boring life, I will attempt to learn the art of being a porn-star. Them porn-stars seem to have loads of fun (and I bet they get paid better than what I get at my desk job).

So here's my attempt at being the latest, newest addition to the world of porn. Wish me luck as I traverse this unknown path to freedom, fortune and fucking good times.

*Note: this blog is in no way, shape, form or position dissing any porn-stars out there. Pls be gentle.

1 Orgasms:

The Travelling Teddies... said...

Good lord, my "mom" would be so pissed.. Haha! But what a noble cause! Hang on to the dreams and take us all on a wild ride to Porndom, Wild Wingga! LOL! ;)